Silvia Morelli

Silvia Morelli, Project Communications Manager
+44(0)161 227 8383
(En / Ita / Es)

Silvia joined the XTRAX team in 2022 as a Project Communications Manager. Her role sits between the Project Management team and the Marketing and Communications team, involving both the delivery of international activity as part of Platform 4:UK, and raising the profile of XTRAX and Without Walls.

Coming from a Communications and Marketing background, with a Mass Communications master degree and work experiences in a Communications agency as well as in the private and public sector, Silvia’s passion for cultural events drove her to take part in Liverpool’s LightNight, MDI’s LEAP festival and Giants Spectacular, among others. As Events and Visitor Experience Executive for Liverpool ONE she managed Tickle The Ivories piano festival in conjunction with Open Culture, as well as the Busking and the Partner Event programmes. She also contributed to the organisation and communication of various seasonal events and enlivenment activities.