Dockworker Eddie Carbone takes two illegal countrymen in his house. Everything goes well, until one of them gets involved with his niece.
In 2001 de Roovers organized a public reading of the New York play ‘A view from the bridge’ by Arthur Miller. The rough, public reading revealed the unsuspected strengths of derailed desires in an Italian migrant environment: no teary sentiment, but real, tangible conflicts. ‘A view from the bridge’ is a political drama, written with emotional, theatrical means. A tragedy about social exploitation and how this undermines the moral relations in a ‘solidary’ Italian-American community. But also a psychological story about family ties, faith and betrayal.
To stress the universality and contemporary character of the play the actors introduce New York’s present language by quoting Paul Auster and Don DeLillo. The modest theatre space contrasts with the wide realistic skyline of the harbour and functions as a ground zero for family drama.
Text: Arthur Miller
Adaptation: de Roovers
Cast: Robby Cleiren, Sara De Bosschere, Wouter Hendrickx, Luc Nuyens, Sofie Sente and Adriaan Van den Hoof
Scenograpy: Stef Stessel
Live music: Eric Engels, Youri Van Uffelen en Rudy Trouvé