Empire Soldiers VR is a breathtaking experience installation blending performance and technology to tell the compelling stories of the forgotten Caribbean and South Asian soldiers of World War 1. Through Virtual Reality this show brings a truly immersive experience that is emotive and unforgettable.
Hear the captivating stories of the battlefield as you are joined by a returning soldier and share the emotional experience of the return home. As the journey continues to the present day, focus turns to the resulting changes of the last 100 years, and the impact of migration on the world today.
Empire Soldiers is a flexible show that can be presented in 3 main formats: VR Film only, VR Film plus installation/set, VR Film plus installation/set and dancers.
Bespoke versions of the project can be created for special events or variations such as long term installation (museums etc).
Dues to the immersive nature of the show and the themes of war and racism, we recommend for audiences aged 13+.
Empire Soldiers is available for tour booking now and throughout 2019. For more information and prices email: charlotte@mbd.limited
Empire Soldiers premiered in October 2017 with incredibly positive reactions from audience members, social media and reviews for the project.
“Empire Soldiers by Metro-Boulot-Dodo is a perfectly pitched use of the form. The purpose of this richly designed world is not its own existence, but to focus you on that of its subject – a Caribbean soldier recruited to fight in the first world war. A deft use of sound builds a short, poetic and moving experience.”
New Scientist 27/10/17
Audience feedback:
“Fantastic use of VR and performance, was brilliant. Very unnerving in all the right ways”
“Very thought provoking and powerful. 1st VR experience and really enjoyed it!”
“This was amazing! Very clever production- highly recommend it!”
“Managed to sneak out and experience @MBDtweet #EmpireSoldiers this afternoon. Powerful, immersive and evocative #Freq17″”@frequency_fest so far. lincdrillhall #empiresoldiers was amazing!!”
“Just experienced @MBDtweet’s #EmpireSoldiers at @frequency_fest. My VR experience of the year. GO SEE IT. #Freq17 @lincdrillhall”