They advance in the shadow, long white figures, on stilts, being draped by clothes, who seem to wait for any meeting. Appearing in the course of a tree, at the corner of a street, provided with the only language of silences and slow gestures ; they begin strange secret meetings, they approach, withdraw and finally invite us to follow them…
Step by step, the five characters are transformed into voluminous 4m height characters. Deformed and majestuous at the same time, clumsy and ethereal, as come from another planet, their heads light up.
Then the enormous silhouettes take us off around a luminous star.
To a strange and bewitching music, the five characters make a magic rite which make the star rising up in the sky…
As a wink at the moon… As in a dream…
“RĂªve d’Herbert” is an adaptable show :
– in parade version : from 2 to 20 characters
– in parade + fixed version : from 5 characters + the Moon (big lighting balloon) to 20 characters + 4 Moons
“Herbert’s Dream” is a show created by Cie des Quidams and Inko’Nito.