Dear Sir or Madame,
We, Lisa Härtl and Domenik Radeck are the “Duo Peruna” from Bavaria and we would like to become part of your show. Since 3 years we astonish our public with hand-to-hand acrobatics. We performed more than 150 shows all over Germany and gained a lot of experience. Except of this we won the first price at the “Talents”-competition of the GOP-Theatre in Munich.
But convince yourself!
This summer Lisa will finish her university-entrance diploma and Domenik will complete his Bachelor of mechanical engineering at the end of August. After that we would like to experience an exciting time together and present our skills on stage.
Next to our high level acrobatics we are trained to other amazing things like dancing or tumbling. Lisa took classes in modern and classical dance for years and has got a lot of experience in standard, latin and salsa dancing. Domenik has often been responsible for technical stuff. So he already installed and programmed professional lightshows and sound systems. He is also very experienced in juggling, on the unicycle, on the trampoline and with fire shows.
An engagement on your stage would fit perfectly to our wishes.
We would be very happy to receive positive feedback.
Yours sincerely,
Lisa and Domenik