Mannequin is a new Miss High Leg Kick project inspired by Japanese Kabuki Theatre and the 1987 film Mannequin. It explores the idea of “Mannequin” – a shop dummy – transitioning from a prop into a
performer. Mannequin in Shop Window is a 30-minute variety show of quick-changing window displays, performed by Mannequin and a group of established live artists Steve Nice, Abi Cunliffe, Yoko Nishimura and Miss High Leg Kick, as well as two younger guest performers Reggie Roberts (12 years old) and Luciana Hutt (8 years old). Each act features a moving tableau taking in different shop
departments (e.g. lingerie, fashionwear, shoe department and Xmas shop), building the identity of the shop mannequin with the help of ‘window-dressing’ Kuroku helpers (similar to Kabuki stage hands). A fun, accessible show which combines music, dance, comedy, performance / live art, suitable for all and adaptable to different shop window spaces.
Research & development supported by Arts Council England (2018-2019), Colchester Arts Centre and New Popular (Farnham Maltings).