It should surprise no one that the ancient art of astrology with all its wonderful myths and folklore has previously held little to interest the giant brains of Britain’s scientists who are the best in the world for a fact. But now four of our leading mad inventors have come up with a genuine fortune telling machine!
The boffins from the advanced doodling department at Avanti Display H.Q. have devised a wonderful apparatus, which may truly be said to revolutionise the science of nonsense. ‘We have successfully interfaced the DNA of a subject with the previously ignored digestive powers of a mechanical Equus africanus asinus’, they say. Yes that is the secret of the machines almost uncanny powers. But what of its practical applications, you ask. Well the sky’s the limit, sonny, but get this: imagine a proper scientific gizmo, certified by top Profs that can actually predict the future. Impossible you cry, remove the screen! You shall see for yourselves!