Documentary meets dance in this thought provoking, timely and intimate new duet performance which can be presented outdoors, indoors and off-grid.
PREPPERS: The Show is a new piece of verbatim documentary dance theatre, that asks: are we truly prepared? With real interviews from members of the UK survival and preparedness community, intercut and combined with compelling movement,
PREPPERS: The Show is a unique performance that investigates how we prepare for, react during, and recover from emergencies – revealing our resilience and humanity in times of crisis, and what we need in order to truly survive.
PREPPERS: The Show is presented in the round, and has a flexible, self-sufficient rechargeable technical (including silent disco headphones for audiences) setup; making the work ideal for touring to a range of spaces, and for presentation in rural settings, off-site, and in unusual locations.
Alongside PREPPERS: The Show, we have also created PREPPERS: The Game; an interactive escape room style game for Amazon Alexa devices. The game sits alongside the performance as a companion piece, playfully continuing the conversation about survival and preparedness, and immersing you in the world of PREPPERS.
The show can be presented outdoors and totally off grid; it is COVID safe and adaptable to follow evolving government guidelines.