A beautiful little festival show about 3 quirky characters that meet by chance at a train station…
Where is the train? Will it arrive? As time tick-tocks onwards our 3 accidental companions become more and more playful, passing the time in amusing and joyful ways – who knows what might happen next?
Full of mime, physical theatre, music and fun, this is a silly and sweet Rhubarb street-treat for all the family!
Suitable for: Ages 5 and up – children and families who enjoy live performance, character interaction, mime, physical theatre, mischief and laughter.
Running time: Flexible – can be performed as a 30mins show or in 10mins slots throughout your event. The characters are also available to roam and interact with visitors across a site.
Ideal for: indoor and outdoor locations, including schools, heritage sites, festivals, fairs and fun-days.
For more information, get in touch via info@rhubarbtheatre.co.uk