Artizani has been creating high quality street theatre and cultural animation since 1989. In the last couple of years we have worked with: Singapore Arts Festival; Dubai festival; Henley International Festival; Waterford Spraoi; the Commonwealth Games; the National Theatre and many more with over 300 performances a year.
Currently touring we have:
The Cabaret Of Dr Caligari
Commissioned by Lakes Alive. An afternoon of family cabaret with theatre, comedy, music and dancing performed at our amazing inflatable cabaret.
The chaotic caravanserai of Dr Caligari arrives in town to perform its timeless cabaret and gets the audience to help create a unique outdoor auditorium.
When the show starts Music Hall turns, eccentrics and acrobats are conjured out of thin air to entertain, but once out of the box refuse to disappear! The house band plays its hypnotic blend of music to stir the heart and send your feet leaping up to dance. The cabaret accelerates towards an extraordinary revolt in which performers and spectators turn on the twisted Caligari in a spectacular finale.This is an afternoon?s entertainment not to be missed!
Imagine a tropical desert island complete with castaway, gramophone; and flotsam and jetsam. Surreal, comic, tragic and a little bit crazy, the show compresses 20 years of isolation into 30 minutes of mayhem and has one of most spectacular finales on the circuit as a 5m high lobster erupts from the stage!
SYROVY – small-scale static show suitable for almost any venue:
..a beautifully constructed and executed solo show by James Macpherson that combines silent-movie clowning, acrobatics and slackrope walking to explore one mans ambivalent relationship with
everyday objects.? Total Theatre Magazine
Thanks for Syrovy, which is really working so well now Anne Tucker/Jeremy Shine -MIA
..the reports that I got back were rapturous, both from the staff and from conversations with the Public. Jonathan Holloway – National Theatre
THE CHERUBS – walkabout
A memorably visual piece of theatre. Painted Gold from head to toe and unaware of humiliation or the cold, two gilded angels take to the street on golden scooters innocently interacting and spreading divine mayhem. They court the banal and the profound, communicating without words and creating the most surreal images on their journey.
With Gaulier-style relentlessness he pushed the moment as far as it would go then pushed some more.. A perfect example of taking the moment when offered and using it to the full.
PUNT! – walkabout
Two Oxbridge undergrads descend from their ivory towers and are off for a relaxing punt. Blissfully unaware of reality and physics the boat drifts down busy streets as they regale and serenade the public. This promenade performance is based on an adapted electric vehicle? it works both as a surreal image glimpsed from a distance or as comic interaction.
LIFEBOAT! – Walkabout
Following on the success of Punt! This ?Street Boat? is based on an 8ft clinker-built skiff. The show extends the fantastically surreal images of the Punt and carries two hilarious and eccentric characters. The Shipwrecked Captain and Boatswain?s Mate have been adrift since 1786 and are more than a little confused!
Specialising in animating spaces, Artizani’s stilted characters bring colour and humour to any space.
Replete with his own mobile 5-bar gate, Farmer Giles gives untrustworthy farming advice to all and sundry ? The Archers on acid.