Compagnie Oposito

Category: Artist

At a time when society cultivates the notion of « every man for himself » and is constantly searching for a hero who will show the way, the future belongs to all and the providential man does not exist.
« Kori Kori » defends the idea of «all for one». In the manner of an operatic chorus where voices of different styles sound in unison – a new voice rises up; a voice which would not exist without the combination of these talents.
In the history of theatre, the chorus often represents the mass as a passive or active witness, rarely master of its destiny. « Kori Kori » wants to give it the main role: a chorus of men and women.

Played by 18 comedians and 4 musicians, this production does not tell one story, but many.
It is neither didactic nor pretends to possess the truth, it simply tells the stories of men and women who, as in life, make their way forward.
An emotionally stirring chorus, changing with sincerity from one state to another. A book of images. A multi-facetted humane performance reflecting life. The human deed, both simple and complicated as it is in life.
An allegory where side by side, lyric opera and rock, waltz, tango and classical dance exist.
Beautiful. Disobedient. Without logic, as with the world.
A performance which emerges, moves through the crowd and disappears.

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