
Category: Artist

Jan Manske is DJuggledy, a virtuoso diabolo juggler with a unique style and berliner tongue to boot! With the experience from various shows and projects since 2000, the entertainer, juggler & show-man from Berlin presents his award-winning show „El Diabolo“ performed in more than 35 countries around the globe attending well known festivals.
„El Diabolo“ -an energy packed diabolo show with banging tunes, comedy and artistic talent!
Awarded with the „Pavè d’Or” at Festival des Artistes de Rue in Vevey / Switzerland
and winner of the „Certamen Intergalactico“ at Festiclown in Vigo / Spain.
Berliner people are famous for their way of speaking (in your face and cheeky), DJuggledy combines this with high level juggling skills, and his creative mind to make this an experience not to be forgotten and one which in the world of street art is totally unique.
Mastering the stage with his spontaneous and extraordinary style, the ‘diabolo-express’
leaves his public laughing, clapping and with their hearts in their mouths.

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