Gary and Pel is a live action cartoon company based in Barry, South Wales. Mixing dynamic dance, slapstick comedy and adventure.
The concept created by director and performer Alex Marshall Parsons produces interactive outdoor adventures to people of all ages creating works that is non-specific language performance. Our focus is to create work that is visually stunning, with attention to detailed movement and character development. To entertain and delight audiences with humorous scenarios, supported by well-crafted and executed choreographic physicality, within a coherent and identifiable context.
Over the past two years we have toured across Wales extensively with our outdoor 15-minute romp ‘CarCrash Wedding’ commissioned by ‘Articulture Wales’ in 2017 and was selected for Coreo Cymru’s touring Family Dance Festival Spring 2018. Most recently we have been awarded ACW research and development funding to explore the aftermath of CCW, with ‘HoneyMoon Balloon’ a 20-minute outdoor performance featuring a 12ft LED Hot Air Balloon. following this funded we were commixed by ‘Festival of Sky’ to perform and complete the show at the festival in 2019.
since then Honeymoon Balloon has begun touring in 2021 at Appetite Stoke 2021 and Tilt Festival.
In connection with the two outdoor ventures a 10 minute film ‘The Semi Skimmed Milk Man’ is available to watch on, an upcoming hot air balloon series ‘The Holiday’ and an original Gary and Pel Comic Book is currently in works
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