Ray Lee is a multi-award-winning composer and artist. He won a BASCA Composer of the Year award for the highly inventive music theatre project ‘The Ethometric Museum’. His latest work ‘Congregation’ was supported by Without Walls and commissioned by Norfolk and Norwich festival and Sea Change Arts.
His monumental outdoor work ‘Chorus’ has been touring nationally and internationally since 2013 with appearances as part of major outdoor programmes organised by Lieux Publics in Marseilles, the National Theatre, WOMAD, the Southbank, Hong Kong International Arts Festival, Georgetown Festival in Penang, ZAT Montpelier, Warsaw Contemporary Music Festival, Connected Cities in Seoul, South Korea, a Circulate tour of four London venues and at festivals in Melbourne and Romania to name a few. Chorus was shortlisted for the 2014 BASCA Composer of the Year award.
His world-wide hit ‘Siren’ has been performed
over three hundred and fifty times in eighteen countries across three continents and continues to tour internationally. ‘Force Field’ was awarded an honorary mention in the 2008 Prix Ars Electronica for Digital Music. His recent work ‘Ring Out’ was co-commissioned by OCM receiving a PRS New Music Biennial award. Ring Out has been presented at Hull City of Culture and London Southbank as well as Newbury and Oxford. A recording of the work was broadcast on BBC Radio 3.
He is an associate artist of OCM (Oxford Contemporary Music).

Ray Lee