THEATRE EN VOL, international theatre company working in Sardinia, Italy and the world, creates, for the street, for open air and multipurpose spaces as well as for specific sites, performances and spectacular events of high visual and emotive impact which unite actors, big theatrical machines built out of scrap materials, strong and moving images, scenic actions, coreographies, pirotechnics, music and other disciplines to create a dramatic, grotesque, ironic, absurd and surreal theatrical language.
Through confrontation and dialogue with other artists from different artistic and national backgrounds, THEATRE EN VOL creates, in the form of interdisciplinary workshops on specific sites and themes, spectacular events in which both the space and the spectator take in a central role.
Artistic intention of the company is to stimulate imagination, perception and memory through direct involvement of and interactive relationship with the spectator, allowing him/her to assume an active position.
– Macchinazione ed altre diavolerie
a surreal itinerary street performance with theatrical machines, fire works, acrobatics, juggling and music
Four queer characters guide the audience on a tour to rediscover the town involving it in their hunt for the ideal place for a ?passeggiata a mezz?aria?. The curious fire and smoke spitting machine ?Sputafuoco? is led through streets and squares, accompanied by its whimsical creator, Maestro Scintilla who takes care that both fire and smoke never come to an end….
75 minutes, little text, italian and english, 5 people on tour.
?The return of the dragon? …to the sound of popular italian melodies four bizzarre characters guide the delighted audience into fellinian atmospheres and infernal pirotechnical parades”
– Nel Segno di Guernica (In the sign of Guernica)
The event is an operation of decomposition and recomposition of the famous painting of Pablo Picasso, a masterpiece which has reassumed dramatic actuality in view of our latest history.
Enormous human shadows inhabit the walls of the buildings surrounding the square clasping the audience in a highly evocative visual embrace. The peaceful atmosphere is suddenly interrupted: big moving sculptures, inspired by Picasso?s painting, invade the square bringing with them the fire of war into the middle of the onlookers. They open their way through the crowd following a route which leads to an unusual reconstruction of Picasso?s masterpiece. Guernica becomes alive in a dramatic and amazing explosion of fireworks.
The strongly incisive sound track of the performance (Miles Davis, J. Sibelius, W.A. Mozart, G. Fauré, Molodov, Paolo Fresu) supports and underlines the emotional impact of the performance which was created as a coproduction between the Time in Jazz Festival of Berchidda and La Piazza dei Sogni, festival euromediterraneo del teatro di strada of Nuoro.
45 minutes, no language, 6 people on tour
?…….. incandescent, between fireworks and cascades of light, but also a deep reflection. The performance speaks of Spain, speaks of the desasters of the war: few words, a white sheet adorns a building whilst silhouettes cross the square, oscillating reproductions of the tragic figures of Guernica, Picasso?s painting which once and forever caught the image of the horrors of war”