Them Two met during Dance Channels, a project initiated by three outdoor festivals, Urban Moves (Manchester), Trayectos (Spain) and Corpi Urbani (Italy) with the aim to promote the development of dancers and choreographers. We worked with choreographer Marta Bevilacqua and created ‘Oltre la luna’. After initial performances at the partner festivals, we then toured to Visceos Urbanas (Brazil) and to several festivals in Italy.
Due to the success of ‘Oltre la luna’ Katherine and Connor decided to continue working together as ‘Them Two’. We had a successful research period in December 2013 and have premiered our newly commissioned work ‘Shiny Shorts’ at Urban Moves International Dance Festival 2014. Them Two are passionate about creating dance work for the outdoors and allowing those who would not necessarily watch dance, to be able to enjoy high quality dance.