XTRAX returned to Internationale Kulturbörse Freiburg (IKF) for the third time this January, representing Without Walls and the wider UK outdoor arts sector.
Annika Edge, General Manager and Anais Biaux, Creative Development & Partnerships Manager hosted a stand in the IKF Marketplace, welcoming colleagues from across Europe, connecting with fellow exhibitors and experiencing the packed programme on offer.
We hosted a Pimms Reception, promoted the upcoming 2020 XTRAX Showcases and shared insight into the Without Walls Consortium model of management. We discussed the network as a whole, it’s aims of bringing high-quality outdoor arts into areas that traditionally have low engagement in culture and how the network supports artists and the creation of new work.
XTRAX believes it is as important as ever in times of Brexit uncertainty to continue to connect with our counterparts in Europe and maintain our already strong bond and working relationship. We were encouraged to meet promoters that are interested in programming UK work. We will continue to work internationally and discussed the possibility of a collaboration with IKF next year, as well as the possibility of working with Bundesverband fuer Kunst im Oeffentlichen Raum to speak at their conference in 2021.
Check out the Where to Find XTRAX page for details of upcoming events and opportunities.