A fantastic XTRAX/Freedom Festival Showcase

Over 100 promoters, artists, producers and those new to the sector joined us for three days of talks, presentations and world-class outdoor arts.

We’re proud of our new showcase; welcoming delegates from the Netherlands, South Korea, Germany, France, Belgium, Hungary and Portugal and placing them in the centre of an ambitious festival full of astonishing outdoor arts makes a real longlasting difference to artists.

If you missed out on the XTRAX/Freedom Festival showcase you’re in luck, we’ve made much of our showcase material available online, and you can visit the Freedom Festival’s image gallery.

We’ll be asking everyone who attended for feedback, so please let us know what you thought of the event. Your feedback is very important to us and helps us hugely when reporting back to our funders and planning our next showcase events.



If you have any questions about the Freedom Festival Showcase please contact info@xtrax.org.uk