XTRAX was invited to be guest Artistic Director for the 4th edition of Fish and Chips, an outdoor arts festival organised by Atelier 231 in Sotteville-le-Rouen, one of France’s most renowned creation centres. This three-day festival ran 29 – 31 January 2014.
The programme included
Acrojou The Wheelhouse
Artizani Punt
Avanti Display Mystic Monty
Axial Dance Tea Club
Creature Feature Goin’ Ape The Gorillas
Dizzy ODare Presents… The Tiny Travelling Tightwire
Dr Butler’s Hatstand Medicine Band
Joli Vyann Don’t Drink and Dance
Mechanical Menagerie Alfonso Milanos Mechanical Marvel
Pif-Paf The Flight Of Fancy Simulators
Plunge Boom The Trolls Kitchen
Safety Catch Watch The Birdie
Slightly Fat Features
Thingumajig Theatre Hippochondriac
Visit Atelier 231 website for further information about this event www.atelier231.fr