Friday 15 – Sunday 17 June 2012
Various locations in Medway: Gillingham (Friday), Chatham (Saturday) & Rochester Castle (Sunday)
Fuse Medway Festival in association with XTRAX present Fuse Regional Platform, a new initiative designed to provide programmers, promoters, arts professionals and artists from across Kent with an opportunity to meet and network with others working in the outdoor sector.
Fuse Regional Platform provides both a showcase for exciting regional and national outdoor work and a much needed meeting point and networking opportunity for outdoor arts professionals.
This year’s programme featured:
- New commissions from Applause Outdoors 212: Accidental Collective, Dizzy O’Dare Presents…, Little Cauliflower Theatre, Polymathematics, The Galloping Cuckoos, The Honk Project, What’s Coming Out of the Box?
- Spectacular night time show from NoFit State circus on Saturday night
- New outdoor shows from leading UK artists: Etta Ermini Dance Theatre, Reckless Invention, Frolicked, Fittings Multimedia, tangled feet
- International performances from Les Goulus (France), Kawa Circus (India)
Fuse Regional Platform is part of a wider programme of professional development opportunities for regional street artists. For more information click here.