Name (First) | Name (Last) | Organisation | Job role | Address (Country) |
Adrie | van Essen | Kunsten op Straat | programmer | Netherlands |
Alison | Holder | Talawa Theatre Company | Producer | United Kingdom |
Amy | Grundy | From the Fields Ltd | Creative Coordinator | United Kingdom |
Ana | Gillespie | Coventry City of Culture Trust | Senior Producer | United Kingdom |
Andy | Train | Special & Affected / Pride in Hull | Director | United Kingdom |
Angus | MacKechnie | OutdoorArtsUK | Executive Director | United Kingdom |
Ann | Wishart | Leeds City Council | Arts Development Manager | United Kingdom |
Anthony | Simon | Tout En Vrac | Tour Manager | France |
Becky | Atkinson | Company Chameleon | Company Co-ordinator | United Kingdom |
Ben | Faulks | Plunge Boom | Artistic Director | United Kingdom |
Bill | Palmer | Palmer | Director | United Kingdom |
Carol | Alevroyianni | SALTo Arts Productions | Director /creative producer | United Kingdom |
Carolina | Courbis | Freelance Producer | Freelance Producer | United Kingdom |
Caty | Avram | Générik Vapeur | Artistic Co-director | France |
Charles | Huckvale | Hull Carnival Arts – a Part of Apus Productions Ltd | Company Co-director | United Kingdom |
Charlie | Studdy | Junction | Arts & Leisure Manager | United Kingdom |
Charlotte | Jarvis | Enter Edem | Performer | United Kingdom |
Chelsey | Everatt | Nottingham City Council | Cultural Development Officer | United Kingdom |
Dave | Windass | Contains Strong Language / Heads Up | Producer | United Kingdom |
David | Edmunds | Severn Arts | Festivals Director | United Kingdom |
Deborah | Rees | CAST | Director/CEO | United Kingdom |
Emma | Fay | Enter Edem | Artistic Director | United Kingdom |
Fiona | Curtis | Salisbury International Arts Festival (part of Wiltshire Creative) | Festival Producer | United Kingdom |
Frank | Wilson | Event International | Director | United Kingdom |
Geert | Mangelschots | Trezart | Director | Belgium |
Gemma | Holsgrove | Leeds International Festival | Festival Director | United Kingdom |
George | Harris | Mirador | Creative Producer | United Kingdom |
Holly | Clarke | Arts Council England | Relationship Manager, Combined Arts | United Kingdom |
Isabelle | Tracy | Humber Street Sesh | Arts Director | United Kingdom |
Ivan | Thorley | Puppets with GUTS | Artistic Director | United Kingdom |
Jack | Stoddart | Ramshacklicious | Artistic Director | United Kingdom |
Jackie | Goodman | JoinedUp Dance Company | Director/Creative Producer | United Kingdom |
Jaine | Lumsden | Creative Scotland | Physical performance specialist | United Kingdom |
James | Symonds | Hull Minster | Events | United Kingdom |
Jane | Cardie | RMBC | Event Officer | United Kingdom |
Jason | Hird | Institute for Crazy Dancing | producer | United Kingdom |
Jayne | Sollitt | RMBC | Event Officer | United Kingdom |
Jennifer | Taylor | Quays Culture | Producer | United Kingdom |
Julie | Brown | imitating the dog | Executive Director | United Kingdom |
Juliet | Hardy | Stockton International Riverside Festival | SIRF Assistant Programmer and Coordinator | United Kingdom |
Kathy | McArdle | British Council | Director England & Cities | United Kingdom |
Laura | Wright | Murmuration Arts | Producer | United Kingdom |
Lee | Corner | Absolutely Cultured | Chair | United Kingdom |
Leigh | Johnstone | Fluid Motion Theatre Company | Artistic Director | United Kingdom |
Lia | Prentaki | The Place | Producer | United Kingdom |
Lily | Mellor | Absolutely Cultured | Producer | United Kingdom |
Lindsay | Stockley | Absolutely Cultured | Senior Producer | United Kingdom |
Louise | Richards | Motionhouse | Executive Director | United Kingdom |
Luisa | Hinchliff | The Place | Producer | United Kingdom |
Maia | Ayling | Tit for Tat | Project Manager | United Kingdom |
Marion | Duggan | Murmuration Arts | Artistic Director | United Kingdom |
Mark | Denbigh | Norfolk & Norwich Festival | Head of Production & Programme | United Kingdom |
Martha | Cattell | Sea / Film | Programmer | United Kingdom |
Martina | Murphy | MDI | Director | United Kingdom |
Mary | Owoo | United Kingdom | ||
Matt | Wardle | Plunge Boom | Artist | United Kingdom |
Matthew | Woodford | Upswing | Producer | United Kingdom |
Mimi | Faulks | Plunge Boom | Managing Director | United Kingdom |
Natalie | Hunt | Madame Zucchini | Vegetable Entertainer | United Kingdom |
Nathan | Geering | Plunge Boom | Artist | United Kingdom |
Nii | Kwartey Owoo | Indipendent | Choreographer, Musician and Dance Tutor | United Kingdom |
Nikki | Harrison-Davis | Arts Council England | Relationship Manager Combined Arts | United Kingdom |
Paul | Smith | Middle Child | Artistic Director | United Kingdom |
Pauline | Mayers | The Mayers Ensemble | Director | United Kingdom |
Pierre | BERTHELOT | Générik Vapeur | Artistic Co-director | France |
Rach | Drew | York Mediale | Executive Director | United Kingdom |
Rebecca | Phillips | Birmingham Hippodrome | Festivals Producer | United Kingdom |
Richard | Lees | HIP Gallery | Chairman | United Kingdom |
Ryan | Murphy | Tit for Tat | Director | United Kingdom |
Samantha | McEvoy | Culture Liverpool | Arts Development Officer | United Kingdom |
Samuel | Javid | ArtReach | Executive Producer | United Kingdom |
Sara | Hudson | RMBC | Events Manager | United Kingdom |
Su-taek | Yim | Suweon Theater Festival | artistic director | South Korea |
Vera | Vanmechelen | Trezart | Financial director | Belgium |
Victoria | Amedume | Upswing | Artistic Director | United Kingdom |
Virginia | Hyam | HOTA ( Home of The Arts Gold Coast Australia ) | Head Programming | Australia |
Zoe | Munn | Ramshacklicious | Associate Producer | United Kingdom |
Zoe | Parker | Yorkshire life aquatic | Co-producer and director | United Kingdom |