The recently announced and extended lockdown is having an unavoidable impact on audiences availability, on the plans of promoters, the artists and our team.
We feel that presenting this event at such a difficult and critical time would not do justice to the projects or the artists. For that reason, we have decided to postpone to later in the year so we can for now focus on delivering imminent support where needed. If you have any questions please contact info@xtrax.org.uk.
XTRAX is joining forces with Tête-à-Tête, Germany’s biggest international street theatre festival and Bússola, Portugal’s leading agency for Outdoor Arts to host our first virtual XTRAX Shorts pitching events.
What to expect?
The event will be hosted virtually on Zoom. The programme will feature 10 artists and companies from across the UK, Germany and Portugal who will each pitch their new outdoor projects that are ready for touring in summer 2021. The session will be hosted by the XTRAX team and accompanied by Julia von Wild, co-Artistic Director Tête-à-Tête and Bruno Costa co-Director of Bússola who will ask questions to the artists in between pitches.
Who is this event for?
We welcome professionals from all corners of the sector to come along to this event but particularly promoters, producers and outdoor arts professionals who are looking to book new work for their upcoming programmes. This is a chance to network with peers in the international circuit and discover new work from a broad range of artists as we look towards the future.
How do I apply to pitch work?
The open call is now live. The deadline is Monday 4th January, 12:00 pm (noon) GMT.
If you are an artist that has an outdoor project ready to tour from summer 2021 and beyond you can apply now to be part of this event.
Please click here to find out more on how to apply and download the guidance notes, found to the right of this page.
Click here to complete the application form.
This activity is supported by Platform 4:UK, XTRAX’s Arts Council of England funded project for international collaboration in outdoor arts.
Image: Do What ya Mama Told Yah, Just More Productions – As featured in our XTRAX Stockton International Riverside Festival Showcase