Full Circle Arts

Category: Promoter

We are, more than anything else, a resource for the sector by providing practical resources and services that help others work inclusively, more collaboratively, more effectively and more coherently. We offer partnerships and online support for arts organisations and artists to take inclusion in the arts forward within the landscape of emerging technologies, developing digital practice, social media and corresponding cultural shifts creating lasting social change.

All of our work is built upon solid values, self-determination, working and learning together, inclusive practice, capacity building, sustainable development, respecting and valuing diversity and difference, participation and reflective practice. We build bridges not towers. Inclusion means everybody, no ifs no buts. Our work is about encouraging connection especially in difficult situations, those where imaginative responses are needed. Collaborative working is essential to create the inclusive future we desire.

We believe in great art WITH everyone, we encourage inclusive participation to give people the capacity, inspiration and tools to be part of the cultural conversation.

Full Circle Arts: Charity registration number-700918. Company registration number-2312426

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