Hat Fair

Category: Promoter

Hat Fair is the UK’s longest running street arts festival and takes place in the ancient city of Winchester.

The programme represents a diverse range of streets arts, from small scale hatting shows to large scale spectacle. Hat Fair features artists drawn from the UK and overseas. There is also focus on young people and community on the Thursday and Friday of the Festival with the Citizenship project Inside Out Day and on Friday with the Children’s Procession. Hat Fair is a Without Walls partner and will be featuring seven of these performances in 2009, as well as several new commissions.

In my role, I am responsible for the development and delivery of the artistic programme, new commissions, partnership development, fundraising and directing the festival.

I am also on the Board of ISAN and BAFA and have represented Hat Fair and UK Street Arts at conferences in the UK and overseas. Hat Fair is a partner on the Without Walls consortium and is also part of the Pan European Cultural Association (PECA).

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